Friday, April 21, 2017


Here I am at my READ LOCAL event. After a couple of failed attempts at script writing, I went with a simplified list of slide titles and a couple of bullet points of the most important things I wanted to include. What I needed most was something to hold in my hand. The other hand held the clicker and laser pointer.

I couldn't use the podium because it was too far off to the side and back enough that I couldn't see the screen. And let's face it, as short as I am I'd disappear if I stood behind anything or even sat down.

The turn out was great. They had to add chairs! I gave credit to Facebook first, but then I reconsidered. I hand delivered my event flyers to the 3 DPL reading groups I belong to, a recovery group I used to belong to, made an announcement at the Writer's Studio, and did a last minute mass mailing to everyone in my Davenport neighborhood. I got a few people from all of those groups.

I don't know how many saw the MWC and BPL ads and came. I'll have to ask. But right now, I'm thinking the personal touch is the best.

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