Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Romance in the Afternoon (Update)


Let a dose of romance in the afternoon at The Brewed Book help you beat the winter blahs. Award winning author Misty Urban, who has penned multiple books in both historical and contemporary romance genres, will be on hand to discuss everything from red carpet runways to medieval maidens.

   Mary Davidsaver, author of A Bishop Hill Mystery series, will explain the importance of the romantic themes in her work. She will address the idea that if all stories contain an element of mystery, then they must also contain a thread of love lost, love found, or love delayed that lead to cautionary tales or happy endings.

   Kitty Bardot, the author of the Burlesque River series, will add her brand of romance to the gathering of local authors at The Brewed Book.  Her bio speaks of a full life of excitement which she uses to infuse her characters with “the real stuff … not just fluff.”

Three reasons to drop in for Romance.

Save the date:

Saturday, February 10th, 1-3 PM

The Brewed Book, 1524 N Harrison St., Davenport, IA   

(563) 232-6642

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Romance in the Afternoon


Let a dose of romance in the afternoon at The Brewed Book help you beat the winter blahs. Award winning author Misty Urban, who has penned multiple books in both historical and contemporary romance genres, will be on hand to discuss everything from red carpet runways to medieval maidens.

Mary Davidsaver, author of A Bishop Hill Mystery series, will be on hand to explain the importance of the romantic themes in her work. She will address the idea that if all stories contain an element of mystery, then they must also contain a thread of love lost, love found, or love delayed that lead to cautionary tales or happy endings.


Save the date:

Saturday, February 10th, 1-3 PM

The Brewed Book, 1524 N Harrison St., Davenport, IA   

(563) 232-6642


More information will be forthcoming.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Season’s Greetings


Season’s Greetings

By Mary R. Davidsaver


Christmas cards lay on the table.

Fewer this year.

They arrived unbidden.

My half-hearted quest for cards

Found all choices wanting.

I came away empty handed.

So many voids in my mailing list:

Dear friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles.

My brother’s sudden passing.

I expected no notice of my lapse.

I'm proven wrong.

One name draws my attention.

It didn’t register. Who’s this Helen?

Inside, a view from a high vantage point

Overlooking a scenic river

Dressed in seasonal greens and gold.

Only one answer to the question.

Only one couple climbed river bluffs.

Their purpose: take pictures, write poetry,

Honor the Driftless miracle

Of the river in our own backyard.

Too often overlooked and bypassed in haste.

I find my copy of BLUFFING by Dick Stahl,

Eminent emissary of the Mississippi River.

Read it with fresh eyes,

Rediscover its spirit,

Find inspiration …

For a New Year of opportunities.

This poem was originally published on this blog in Dec. 2021 and

updated for this post.