Let a dose of romance in the afternoon at The Brewed
Book help you beat the winter blahs. Award winning author Misty Urban, who has
penned multiple books in both historical and contemporary romance genres, will
be on hand to discuss everything from red carpet runways to medieval maidens.
Mary Davidsaver, author of A Bishop Hill Mystery series,
will be on hand to explain the importance of the romantic themes in her work. She
will address the idea that if all stories contain an element of mystery, then
they must also contain a thread of love lost, love found, or love delayed that
lead to cautionary tales or happy endings.
Save the date:
Saturday, February 10th, 1-3 PM
The Brewed Book, 1524 N Harrison St., Davenport, IA
(563) 232-6642
More information will be forthcoming.
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