For my book launch and debut
weekends I had prepared scripts I out-and-out read aloud. Not exciting at all.
But I was sure to get my message across. This was quite important for the
Bishop Hill audience of friends and neighbors. I had to let them know the
details of how I came up with my characters.
After those two party
weekends, I let things slide a bit.
For the first author’s panel
I was invited to participate in I had a page or two of notes to work from—not a
prepared formal address. I would not want to hear a recording of that session.
I heard myself go “um” a lot. I just couldn’t help myself.
I handled my questions well
enough. I watched my fellow panelists quote and otherwise use their books to
make their points about writing. It was a good lesson to pick up on.
I did better for my second
author’s panel. Again I was with two other authors who were both well
experienced and considerate. We didn’t have 15 minutes of introduction time to
fill for this event—we went right to questions. One author made point after
point for strong characters. This dovetailed into what I picked up later at the
Children’s Literature Festival listening to Metivier and Prineas make their
A few weeks later I went to
hear Teresa LaBella at the Bettendorf Public Library for the October Read
Local. She had a polished Power Point presentation that emphasized the specific
things that gave her inspiration for her stories. I had to remember my own
moments of inspiration for future reference.
I had this much experience
under my belt as I tried to prepare for my WVIK radio interview with Don Wooten
and Roald Tweet.
Did I mention that it would
be a LIVE recording? No editing.
I pretty much spent the
weekend before my Monday interview calming myself as I looked for quotes to
read from the book and just thinking about potential questions & answers. I
wasn’t sure this mental preparation would work. But it did help to refresh my
memory of some of the main points and themes of my novel. I knew I had to skip
the dull parts of my previous readings.
Come Monday afternoon I sat
at the WVIK employee break room table rehearsing the brief passage I would be
reading if asked. Then the time came to walk into the studio and sit close to
the microphone as Mr. Wooten adjusted the volume to boost my quiet voice. He
twisted a few dials, found a new CD to record on, and said it was time to go.
Wooten and Tweet were off and
running. They played the Scribble opening typewriter music that’s so familiar
for me. They made all the necessary introductions of a standard show. And then
From there on out I don’t
remember the specifics of what I said. I talked. I talked a lot. I talked about
everything that was on my mind and hoped for the best. I hoped I wouldn’t
embarrass myself. I recall making them chuckle a couple of times. I’ve always
considered a little humor a good thing. Most of all, I tried to be a good guest
and answer as fully and completely as I was able to.
Then I left the building
having to wait like everyone else to hear my spot when it aired on the
scheduled Saturday at noon. However, due to a previous commitment, I missed
hearing it that day. Fortunately, WVIK made it available for me and other
people to hear in online.
Here is a link to hear it and
judge for yourself how well I did: