Friday, November 18, 2016

More on NaNoWriMo

Quote from a fellow Bettendorf Public Library Write-in writer/participant: You have to let yourself write badly.

That goes along with turning off your internal editor.

Well, I’ve had many good days of writing badly and last Wednesday I got my tally is up to 25,000 words. Still short by one day, but so much closer to the needed average than I was before I came to the Write-in.

Big Plus: I’m half way to 50,000 words and I get another nifty little badge for my NaNoWriMo home page.

All those little incentives do help out.

·       I like watching my word count go up.
·       I like the daily count turn green when I reach the target number of 1667 words.
·       I like the upward slope of the bar graph.
·       I’m ecstatic if my completion date is in Nov. instead of Dec.

Wish I had those graphics available all year round. It all helps keep me going.

I’ve read a couple of pep talks all ready. I’ll get the others soon.

I’m busy writing EVERY DAY SO FAR.

1 comment:

  1. I read and loved Maggie Stiefvater's pep talk on doing the impossible: fighting TIME.
    1. Know the project.
    2. Never sit at the computer without knowing what needs to be written.
    3. Unwind each day with 30 minutes of reading.
    4. [use brackets to insert the needed scenes.]
    5. Move forward & backward.
    6. Ignore word count. Plot-first.
