Friday, June 20, 2014

Sometimes You Have to Wait

I sat in front of a microphone Thursday morning and put in my fifteen minutes. Alas, not for my fifteen minutes of fame, just helping WVIK put together an interview for the Midwest Writing Center’s David R. Collins Writers’ Conference. 

To promote the conference, an annual end-of-June event, the station wanted to interview someone new to the conference and someone old. I got the nod for old.

I didn’t mind, because I’ve been coming to MWC workshops since 2008 and the conference since 2011. And, yes, at sixty-three, I am somewhat oldish.

I filled in the interviewer to my background, how I first heard about the conference, and noted the things I felt helped me the most. I listed a great many.

My connection with MWC has been very beneficial for me. I’ve come a long way from the shy person hanging out in the background afraid someone might notice me. I’m still a shy person, but I tend to speak up more.

In reviewing my information packets and notes from the 2011 conference, I noticed I had signed up for three workshops. For 2012, I attended two. Last year it came down to only one. This year, I’m going to pitch, that is, actually talk to two agents about representing me and my book.

Whether the pitches work or not doesn’t matter to me as much as showing how far I’ve come on this novel writing journey of mine. Thanks to working with the MWC, I feel like I am a writer and my novel will get published one way or the other. There are a lot of opportunities out there and one of them will be right for me.

Before leaving the station, my last comment for the interviewer, a young woman, was “don’t wait for opportunities,” meaning, make your moves before the later stages of life.

I meant to be encouraging, but maybe I was wrong. We don’t all have the same opportunities or develop at the same pace. What if you have a certain amount of living you have to put in before you’re capable, ready, for writing down your stories? What if the stars do have line up?

Whatever the answer, in the end, I can only speak for my journey and I got here the best way I knew how.

Click here to find WVIK article and audio.

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